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The following is a letter of recommendation from Adriana Cortez, the Principal of Teresa Hughes Elementary and my immediate supervisor. She just celebrated her 4th year as Principal in March 2018.

The following is a letter of recommendation from Nanette Terrenal, the Assistant Principal of Elementary Instruction Specialist Teresa Hughes Elementary who oversees all of special education. I participated in IEP meetings with her and she conducted my formal evaluation.

The following is a letter of recommendation from Elizabeth Valjalo, the Assistant Principal of Teresa Hughes Elementary. I worked closely with her all school year to gain a better understanding of differentiated instruction and becoming familiar with the Common Core State Standards.

The following is a letter of recommendation from Abigail Jaramillo, the Upper SDC Teacher of Teresa Hughes Elementary and my colleague. We collaborated in various school activities and worked together to develop appropriate lesson plans for our students.

The following is a formal evaluation conducted by Nanette Terrenal, Adriana Cortez, and Elizabeth Valjalo. As per LAUSD policy, all intern and probationary teachers are to be evaluated on their teaching practice until they are permanent. 

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